Sunday, January 8, 2012

Perceptions on Discriminations of Mentally Ill

As of late, I have sounded about as if the State of Virginia governmental system is against me personally.

Are they? Do I believe that?

Answer is no, not by a long shot.

I do however believe the laws in Virginia are not anywhere near where they need to be to suit the times of today nor are they adequate to todays prioritized issues. It is as if we are stuck in the stone ages.

The laws are not up to date on today's sexual crime statistics, nor are they adequate to extinguishing sexual predators ability to offend and keep them from society and out of harms way to the public.

The laws are also not set up to provide a particular protection for women victims, nor especially the mentally ill and/or disabled women of Virginia. Allowing an even bigger population of women victims to both continue being assaulted and never able to seek justice against their attackers. Sure, Adult Protective Services comes into play, but that is not protection when all they do is jump right on the same bandwagon to do what they can to avoid a trial, avoid cost, avoid time and inevitably, avoid justice for their clients.
This is not a justice system, it is a revolving door.

I do have to believe that Adult Protective Services in this state is merely make-up for a blemish. Social Services is no better. And worse yet, it has even come to the point where a doctor can make a squiggle with his pen on a piece of paper, and whalahh, even the process of APS OR SS, is not notified at all. Yes, indeed it is that crooked , I have seen it with my own eyes.

Why has it become that when a person is diagnosed Mentally Ill, automatically their rights are revoked? When legally the only time a Mentally Ill persons rights are revoked are if they are actively admitted or committed in a state of emergency to themselves or others? Yet when they get back out into society, the only rights they are given back, is the right to be a part of their own communities again? The biggest stereotyper of them all, is the government of Virginia.

I just don't get it! We will treat criminals like criminals, we will treat Mentally ill like criminals, we will give our criminals more rights than our Mentally Ill? I'm so sorry about your luck, you may be mentally ill, and even though you are behaving, and you are paying your taxes, and yes you are a registered voter, and you hold a job, and you are maintaining your illness, and you are a good member of society, and you volunteer to 3 of our govermentally funded programs...I'm sorry about your luck, we can't help you. Can't, or won't?

And I'm not the only one, I'm not the only one this has happened too, and I know that. It doesn't make it right.

I do volunteer work for this state, on 3 different levels, and no matter what happens to me I am not worthy enough of their assistance and have no right to their assistance whatsoever. If they are going to rob someone forever of their rights for entering through the doors of any mental institution in this state then maybe they should post that somewhere. Because I can tell you right now, I've read the Bill of Rights and it's not there!

And before anyone asks..yes I have been to legislation in this state regarding the stereotysm in this state against mentally ill, I have offered to our representatives my concerns about what is being done against the mentally ill in this state, and as you see...not a thing has changed.

It doesn't just happen verbally, Ive seen physical beatings as well.

Tidbit of info:..Most local emergency rooms, have no trained ER doctors/staff  in the realm of psychiatry, whom prescribe, and give antipsychotics, tranquillizers, and/or sedatives. They take their orders from someone over the phone. Phone diagnosing and Phone prescribing is not adequate. And for this to become acceptable in this state, truly shows a downfall of our legal system. It is abuse of patient rights to not have a doctor whom specializes in their condition, someone who knows what they are doing relative to their illness physically be there to assess the situation. You wouldn't send a knee surgeon to a brain injury patient. Why do we have to rely on an ER doctor who has no idea what they are doing with a mentally ill patient in crisis? Because of this issue alone there have been thousands upon thousands of abused Mentally ill, that had a specialized psychiatrist been there during crisis, the beatings would have been avoided. I too have been a victim of this ( x2) and when I went to hold the hospital accountable, again, no assistance whatsoever.

The best correction to this get someone specializing in psychiatry to assist and monitor the situation in the ER.

This is how the State of Virginia handles their Mentally ill.

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