Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Chauvanistic" State

First and foremost, let me make it known, I love this state, raised in the beautiful mountains she beholds, where it was quiet, safe. No one bothered anyone and the worst thing to have to worry about was if the cows were out and someone still pulled their car over to help you get them back in the fence, and that was the talk of the town for that day.
Today, its different, so very much different, Ive seen Virginia decline with the times. Blame it on the economy, blame it on the rain, but whatever we do, don't blame it on sheer lack of common values, morals, and sense. Sure there was crime, but it seemed to mean more to solve a case than it does now. Why? What ever happened to people doing the right things for the right reasons?
Well there are still some of us left.
There have been alot of serious cases gone unsolved, quite a number of them missing and murdered women/children here in Virginia, I realize I'm probably opening a whole can of worms here, but it just disturbs me. Again, I ask WHY? We will come back to this one later.
"Chauvanism" is when a man feels or deems himself more import to or important than a woman, hence the term, "male chauvanist". This is a serious problem in the great state of Virginia, and it carries far beyond your typical household attitude. It carries vastly into the Law Enforcement realm as well, even govermentally.

Harsh term, yes it is, however it is why in Virginia, a woman cannot get paid highter salary than a man, is not considered capable of filling some positions a man would be, and yes I have worked in places that were predominantly men, that only had women working such positions because they had to by law, however, I had also learned that whatever they could do to find a reason to fire you and replace you with a man, that's exactly what they did.

My basis for this is that I am aware the laws of Virginia are ancient, set in ancient days, long before women were introduced to legislation, by men, and Virginia has never had a woman in office, I wonder why that is?
When it comes to crimes, not only are the laws not set up to date with today's crimes but one the end of sexual crimes, such as your sexual assaults and rapes, the laws are pretty much set up to work harder at protecting the men, than the women. In Virginia for a woman to accuse a man of a sexual assault or rape, first she will have to find a system to support her before she is to even expect to seek justice. This is not an easy endeavor. Even with solid proof, in the state of Virginia, she is still likely to be talked out of her right to press charges than ever be given an adequate chance to stand up to her attacker in court. Instead of trying to change a womans mind to stand up to her attacker, shouldn't we be trying to protect her, encourage her to report, encourage her to proceed and stand up to her attacker, shouldn't we allow her to have justice/closure? And for once stop letting the criminal have all the rights, go free and to do this again to another woman.

Seems like these days we have allowed victims to become the problem instead of the solution.

Yes, I am a victim of sexual assault, my case happened a few years ago, and no, I never saw justice is this why I write this, well in all honesty, partially..but no not the only reason. My case got swept under the rug, hush is devastating to have no answers, no closure, and I hold the state of Virginia responsible. Worse yet in a local hospital, and well there's the reason for the hush, hush...funny how these things work. Corruption at its best. I couldn't even give my story to the local news, because they didn't want the hosptial to file suit on them, because the hospital reaches out into the community to better their business. Plenty of evidence that magically disappeared come time to supply it to the Commonweatlth's attorney, and whalahh..that's what a woman gets in the state of Virginia for being brave enough to stand up to her attacker. Honestly would they really want this to happen to their daughter, sisters, or mothers?
If they thought for a second, this would go away, they were wrong.

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