Every state has their "GOOD" police and their "BAD" police. This ranges from city, to county, to forestry, to State, and likely right onto Military. I've personally known alot from all of those areas. This is not a bashing, but just a known issue. These are supposed to be "to PROTECT, and serve" people. I have noticed that the " PROTECT", part of that is more so related to property anymore than people, atleast in our area. Anyone else noticed that? As far as things such as emergencies, sure...they show up more so because they HAVE to as opposed to want too. I recall once, that we had a woman, her husband and her had gotten into a fight, she comes to our home, beating on our door, frantic, bleeding on her face where he had hit her. I opened our door and she is crying, asking to use our phone, she was crying so hard she was practically hyperventilating, she had a huge dog right behind her whom was also terrified and wanted to come in but I couldn't let him, he was so big and had been known to bite, so I couldn't let him in our house. So I let her in, and I let her call 911. They took roughly 30 minutes to get to our home. We live about 1 to 1 and a half miles from our local PD. They show up, rescue shows up, he had left the house and went walking, she was terrified he would come back only this time to our house. The officers were nice to me, but her however, they were doing all they could to talk her OUT OF pressing charges as opposed to doing what she needed to do to keep him away from her. Rescue proceeded to ask her to go get checked out at the local hospital. In which she did. This woman was mentally ill. They did allow her a 48hr Restraining order from him, but she pretty much had to fight for it. Anyone see anything wrong with this?
This doesn't mean they were "BAD" cops I know that, but where were the procedures to help her as opposed to making her feel like "he was the victim"...when in fact, she was. I have a sincere issue with the legal system here giving more rights to criminals than the victims. You will see why in future posts.
the women's shelters wouldn't like this...they want women protected.
Yes J.me so true..having been in one before I can attest that is one of the reasons that there aren't enough of them..and why more abuse happens...because Virginia's laws aren't set up to help women victims like it should.
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